Practice charter
Patient responsibilities
- If you are unable to keep your appointment, please inform us early as we can offer this appointment to someone else. If you need to cancel your appointment, you can do so by completing the cancel an appointment form.
- If you are unsure of any aspect of your care, please ask for clarification.
- Please inform your doctor or a nurse of any significant family history that may have a bearing on your treatment/care.
- Please keep the practice up to date with changes to your name and/or address and/or telephone number. If you have a mobile number, please give it to reception as we will be able to remind you of any appointments you have at the surgery (see practice notice board) and involve you in our health promotions. You can change your personal details by completing the change personal details form.
- Please remember that an appointment is for one person only.
- We expect you to be courteous and respectful to doctors and practice staff. We employ a zero tolerance policy in this practice as set down by the NHS. If there is an incident of threatening or violent behaviour, the practice will seek to have the immediate removal of the patient from the practice. This will possibly impact on your future ability to freely register with another GP.
- We appreciate patient involvement and welcome suggestions of ways we can improve our services (polite suggestions only). If you are interested in joining our Patient Participation Group, please give your details to the receptionist who will pass them on to the practice manager. Alternatively, you can complete the Patient Participation Group registration form.
Practice responsibilities
- Your rights to confidentiality are paramount and we adhere to the Data Protection Act 2018 which states that: all information which has been obtained shall be adequate, relevant and used for the purpose for which it is held; all personal data held shall be accurate and where necessary kept up to date and surrounded by proper security.
- To improve the services that we and the Health Authority provide to patients, the contents of your health records may be used in an anonymous form during clinical audits. If you do not wish your records to be included in any way not relating directly to your health, please notify your GP or the practice manager who will ensure that your request is documented in your records. If you require further information please discuss with a clinician or the practice manager.
- The practice shall provide each individual the right to access data held about them, and where appropriate, to have the data corrected or deleted. To obtain access to personal data, the patient must apply in writing to either the GP or practice manager allowing up to 40 days for a response and there will be a charge for supplying information.
- Your religious and cultural beliefs will be respected.
- You will be treated in a friendly and courteous manner whenever you telephone or visit the surgery.
Page published: 7 May 2024
Last updated: 7 May 2024